

#2024/5/6 English class review

Today I took this lesson↑
When I read English sentences, I hear my terrible English pronunciation....

I wonder which should I take English lessons. T_T









#2024/5/2 English class review

I wanted to say, but...


→ I have not been TO India before.




→If I speak English well, I'll be assigned to work for foreign companies.And I want to learn English to get promoted at work




→It doesn't smell as strong as Chinese tea.



→I don't know any yoga poses.



→ I try not to disturb him.




#20240501 English class review

TODAY Nevertheless I want to talk, I can't talk 


I don't have an opportunity to perform the piano.



I want to try camping and hiking, but I don't have the gear and I don't have any friends.



Since my favorite soccer team hasn't been winning much this season, I still have to support them.

※I'm a supporter of TOKYO VERDY.....They usually draw the game but they are so far from the win lol.





#2024/4/28 オンライン英会話レビュー



The scenery was beautiful, and it was safe. People were kind, and the food was delicious.



I might prefer novels. They have more details than movies. And, I'm a little busy, so I don't have time to watch movies.


・仕事の話で、「英語を使って国際的な会社に対してのアサインにジョインされたい」という話をした後、イングリッシュといってもアメリカだったりイギリスだったりオーストラリアだったりといろんな国が英語を使っているが、どの国の会社が一番Importantだと思ってるか みたいなことを聞かれた


consider America to be the most important. It's one of the most advanced countries in the IT field. Moreover, since I couldn't speak any English when I lived there as a child, it's been a significant insecurity for me. Therefore, working in America is a dream of mine.



It's easy to navigate with a clear flow, making it simple to operate. It's just right for quickly analyzing things.


・ランニングが好きだけど、家の周りが急に上り坂だからつらい。5キロしか走ってないけどその5キロはすごく大変なんだよー という話がしたかった(が、It's hard to run around my house because there are a lot of slopes みたいなことしか言えなかった)

→It's hard because the area around my house suddenly becomes uphill. I've only run 5 kilometers, but those 5 kilometers are really tough.



→できれば脂質の低いものを取るようにしてる。あとタンパク質もたくさん取るようにしてるよ(と言いたかったのにI should have some protainとかしか言えなかった)
I try to eat low-fat foods if possible. Also, I try to eat a lot of protein.



I like the characters, and I'm interested in the British language and culture.



Natto is a fermented food, so maybe those threads are a sign of fermentation.



Natto is a fermented food that comes from Japan. It's made with beans. It has a strong smell and a unique texture. Some people might not like the smell, but many Japanese people do. It's soft and sticky, and you eat it with soy sauce. I eat it every day because it's delicious and has a lot of protein!



→いったんスキップして、何度も出てきたところでちゃんと調べてるよ。いちいち止まってたら進まないからさー(と言いたかったのに、I usually skip!って言っちゃって、DeepL勧めれた。ありがとうJohn)
If I come across a word I don't know, I skip it for a bit. But if that word keeps appearing, I make sure to look it up. If I stop every time, I won't make progress reading the novel.


I had never eaten or even heard of it, but I tried it, and it was super delicious!







#1 April 26th 2024

Today I worked until 6 o'clock, then I ate some curry cooked by my husband yesterday.

I did my own nails. While I did that, I was watching the movie through Netflix.

The first time I watched the コナン movie, I was so excited about that.

But the Characters who ware in that movie, did move totally unexpectedly something 笑

Usually, high school can't help the world at all!

